Terms and Conditions

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The Gynae Centre only uses information from sources believed to be correct, but the website may contain inaccuracies. The use of information from The Gynae Centre website is at your own risk. The Gynae Centre will assume no liability relating to any errors on The Gynae Centre website.

Information on The Gynae Centre website is not intended as a substitute for medical advice and may not be used to diagnose or treat any health condition without the consultation of a qualified health care provider.

Please note
The Gynae Centre does not accept responsibility or liability for any treatment outcome, consultations, medical decisions or diagnoses. Our Consultants are independently insured and are solely responsible for their own decisions and outcome of their treatment. If you are dissatisfied with any treatment, consultation or diagnosis, the responsibility lies with the consultant involved and NOT The clinic itself i.e. The Gynae Centre.
This page was updated 12/05/2022

The Gynae Centre Ltd is a registered LTD company No 03542527

Please read these Terms carefully. They set out the basis upon which you will be provided with treatment at The Gynae Centre.

The Gynae Centre may update these Terms from time to time, however changes to the Terms will only apply to any new treatment or Treatment Package you receive, at which point you will be asked to agree to any new Terms before they come into effect. Note that any new Terms will not apply to a Treatment Package which is part-way through when the Terms are changed.

Please ensure you read the Terms in relation to our charges carefully.

If you want to check the cost of your care or treatment, please ask. Alternatively, you can find our fees at www.gynae-centre.co.uk or by phone (020 7580 8090)In addition, you can ask for a copy of the fees prior to seeing the doctor before registrationPlease ask us if there is anything you would like explained further before you sign the Registration Form.

Please pay particular attention to the sections in these Terms about Consultants. Consultants involved in your Care are independent practitioners and are not employees of The Gynae Centre. The Contract between you and The Gynae Centre for your Care is different from (and separate to) the contract that you have with your Consultant (which may or may not be written). If you are unsure about how your Contract works, please ask.

Part A – Insured Patients

1. Unfortunately, we no longer claim on behalf of our patients from their medical insurance. However, we will be happy to provide you with a stamped invoice and a medical report so that you can claim yourself.

2. If you pay for your treatment and subsequently seek reimbursement from your insurer, and if no other rate has been expressly agreed between you and The Gynae Centre, The Gynae Centre published rates will apply to your Care.

Part B – Private Patients (Self-Pay)

3. You should specify to the consultant the service that you require.

a. Consultation: is where you request a consultant opinion regarding a particular health complaints; a maximum of three Gynaecological complaints allowed per one consultation.

b. Ultrasound: is where you request an Ultrasound scan only. The consultant may ask you for the reason for the scan. The consultant will explain the results of the scan but will not make any suggestion or diagnosis. You are advised to take these results to your doctor and discuss your complaint with him/her.

c. Colposcopy: This involves a consultation to allow the doctor to look into your complaint, examine any abnormal smear results and discuss the results of the colposcopy. At the end of the procedure the doctor can make recommendations for treatment.

Colposcopy involves examination of the cervix by a microscope. This allows a diagnosis of abnormal areas which may need a biopsy. It is not always possible to make a diagnosis by Colposcopy and a small biopsy may be taken from abnormal areas to reach a diagnosis. This will incur a separate charge.

d. Termination of pregnancy: Fees for termination of pregnancies are offered as a package: 

Medical termination: this implies termination by pill and includes a consultation (to examine the reasons for your request, your gynaecology, obstetric, medical and drug history) and an Ultrasound to ascertain the position and duration of the pregnancy. It does not include full examination of the uterus nor the ovaries. An ultrasound scan may be performed by the healthcare assistant or nurse who has been trained by the consultant.

The package includes: a blood test to check your blood group and haemoglobin if indicated, as well as a chlamydia. The latter test is optional. The package also includes medications to induce abortion. 

For any other complaint not related to the termination you will be advised to see your GP or to book a separate appointment with us. This will be charged at our normal consultation fee.

Surgical termination under local anaesthesia: termination is carried out under local anaesthesia which is applied to the cervix only and will be accompanied by pain similar to labour or very bad period pain during the suction process.

Surgical termination under sedation: the termination is carried out by suction under conscious sedation. This means that you may be able to respond to commands and that the pain relief is significant but may be felt mildly on occasion throughout the procedure.

The package includes: One follow-up visit if necessary, related to the termination (up to a maximum of four weeks from the treatment date). For any other complaint, not related to the termination, you will be advised to see your GP or book a separate appointment with us. This will be charged at our normal consultation fee.

e. Tests: Laboratory or office tests may be required in addition to a consultation to assist the doctor in reaching an appropriate diagnosis. These will be recommended by the consultant after a consultation at which point the fees will be explained. These tests will only be carried out after your consent.

f. Tests without consultation: Blood or swab tests may be requested without the need for a consultation. These are subject to administration fees. You must inform us what tests you require, and you must discuss the results with your own doctor/gynaecologist. We are happy to discuss your results with you at The Gynae Centre, however this will require a consultation to be booked at our standard rate.

g. Surgery (excluding pregnancy termination): your fixed price package does not include an initial consultation. It includes surgery fees; theatre fees and one follow up (up to four weeks after surgery). You will be required to settle all the extra fees incurred at the end of your visit.

h. Surgery after initial consultation: Any treatment discussed with your practitioner must be booked within 12 months of the initial consultation. If treatment is booked more than 12 months after your consultation you will be required to undergo another consultation. This, and your treatment will be charged at the updated prices.

i. Unsuitability for procedure: Occasionally, consultants may decide that a patient is not suitable for a particular procedure due to safety issues. In this instance you will be charged for the consultation, and any other services carried out such as ultrasound and/or pre-assessment tests.

j. Accurate medical history: It is important that you provide all medical history requested to your consultant. The Gynae Centre will not be held liable for any complications as a result of withheld information or failure to follow instructions from The Gynae Centre consultants and nurses.

k. Medications: any medications purchased at the clinic or sent by post are non-returnable and non-refundable.

l. Follow-ups included in medical abortion, surgical abortion, and Botox for vaginismus packages: Only one free follow-up is included per procedure. If you miss or cancel this appointment with less than 48 hours notice, you will be liable for our standard follow-up charge.

What happens if I decide not to go ahead?

4. If you decide not to go ahead with your Treatment Package, regardless of the reason, please note that there is no cash refund or credit note for any missed appointments or cancellations made with less than 48 hours’ notice.

What happens if I suffer complications?

(Note time limits applying to termination packages)

5. Whilst The Gynae Centre and your Consultants will do their best to ensure a satisfactory outcome, no clinical procedure is risk-free and the results of any particular treatment cannot be guaranteed with complete certainty.

You can find treatment summaries containing information on a range of treatments, including common complications, on The Gynae Centre website at www.gynae-centre.co.uk

6. Your Fixed Price includes the cost of treating, at a Clinic, any clinical complications identified by your Consultant as arising directly out of the treatment you received as part of your Treatment Package, provided that you have followed the advice of your Consultants and any other medical professionals involved in your Care.

Part C – Self-Pay: Other

(This section will apply if you are paying for your own care other than as part of a treatment package)

7. If your Care is not paid for by an insurer (individual, employer or medico-legal company) directly, it is not covered by a Fixed Price Treatment Package and you will be charged at The Gynae Centre standard rate. You will be invoiced for the fees of the service that you received.

8. If you are an out-patient and require surgery, you will need to pay for your Care prior to or on the day you attend The Gynae Centre. You will need to pay a deposit (which may be the amount of the estimated costs of our Care) seven days before you are admitted and settle your account on the day of the surgery with your credit/debit card upon at least seven days of notice to you, in accordance with paragraph 15 below.

9. If your Consultant’s fees are not included in your invoice, you will need to settle these directly with your Consultant.

Part D – Other Terms and Conditions: Private Patients

(This section applies to all private patients) 10. Bookings: Bookings are not confirmed until payment or partial payment has been made. 11. Consultants (your attention is particularly drawn to this paragraph):

a. Whilst at the Gynae Centre you will be under the Care of the Consultant who carried out your surgeryHe/she may also involve other Consultants in your Care, if appropriate. The Gynae Centre, including nurses, will provide your Care under your Consultant’s instructions.

b. Consultants involved in your Care are independent practitioners and are not employees of The Gynae Centre. Accordingly, The Gynae Centre will not be liable for any act or omission of a Consultant (or the company or partnership that employs or engages the Consultants). The Consultant will be responsible for the Care he/she gives you.

c. Any Consultant’s fees relating to your Care will be charged to you by The Gynae Centre as a packageSelf-employed consultants are paid a daily rate which includes fees paid to The Gynae Centre. Such fees will normally be at the beginning or the end of your treatment.

d. Consultant of choice: Please make sure when booking over the phone to specify if you wish to see a particular consultant. When booking online please make sure to select your desired consultant specific for that treatment. If you attend your appointment and it turns out that you booked with the wrong consultant, should you request that we reschedule you with the appropriate consultant of your choice for a specific treatment, then this will incur the cost of a new consultation, since such error would have wasted us a slot and a client.

12. Cancellations: There are no refunds provided for cancellations.

a. For cancellations made more than 48 hours prior to your scheduled appointment time: We will either reschedule your appointment or provide you with a credit note for the same amount to be used within 12 months against any treatment. We do not offer refunds.

b. For cancellations made less than 48 hours prior to your scheduled appointment time: A cancellation fee will apply if you cancel any appointment with The Gynae Centre within 48 hours of your scheduled appointment or admission date. Your Treatment Letter may also set out any specific cancellation fee that applies to your Treatment Package or Care.

c. For cancellations by The Gynae Centre: Due to unforeseen circumstances outside of our control, there may be rare occasions when we must cancel appointments at a very short notice. In this instance, our booking team will endeavour to offer you a similar appointment for the next date available. Please note that refunds will not be given for this or for any expenses you may incur as a result, such as train tickets, flight, or hotel bookings.

d. For cancellation of follow-ups included in medical abortion, surgical abortion, and Botox for vaginismus packages: If you miss or cancel this appointment with less than 48 hour’s notice, you will be liable for our standard follow-up charge.

13. Rescheduling appointments: If you re-schedule less than 48 hours before your scheduled appointment time you will be charged the full consultation cost.


14. Overrun consultations: In the medical profession, delays are sometimes inevitable and beyond our control. Our practitioners often treat a variety of complicated or emergency cases which can result in delays in the clinic. Whilst we endeavour to avoid long wait times, sometimes you may experience delays up to 45 minutes. We cannot guarantee that each patient will be seen on time. If the clinic is running late, you will not be entitled to a refund or a credit note. This also applies to telephone consultations and for pills by post.

15. Late arrivals:

a. For arrivals less than 15 minutes late: If you arrive up to 15 minutes late for your appointment you will still be seen and charged the full consultation price, however, your appointment time will be shorter.

b. For arrivals more than 15 minutes late: Arrivals more than 15 minutes late will not be seen and will have to be rescheduled. Rescheduled appointments will incur our normal consultation fee.

16. Delays in pills by post-delivery: Medication for this service is provided by a third party via our supplying chemist. Unfortunately, we have no control over their system and delays in delivery do not qualify you for a refund. If your medication has not arrived on time, please contact us to let us know by calling 020 7580 8090. We will then be able to follow up with the chemist on your behalf.

17. Lab result delays: We do not offer refunds for delays as a result of third party operators.

18. Credit/Debit Card: You are responsible for settling the cost of your Care before you are admitted or shortly after leaving The Gynae Centre. We will ask you for your credit or debit card details when you come into The Gynae Centre or when you make your appointment. You understand that we will keep these details for up to six months after the last date of your Care or other appointment with your Consultant. If you have not paid before you leave the Clinic, you agree that we can debit the outstanding balance and any cancellation fees from your card with at least seven days of notice to you.

Part F – Overseas patients

(This section applies to all patients who are not ordinarily resident in the UK)

19. If you are not ordinarily resident in the UK you will be liable to pay charges if you require NHS treatment whilst in the UK, whether related to your Care at the Gynae Centre (for example if you require treatment that the Gynae Centre does not agree to provide) or not.

By signing a Registration Form and agreeing to these Terms you confirm that you have leave to enter the UK and that you meet all relevant immigration criteria. You also confirm that you have made adequate arrangements to pay for your CareThe Gynae Centre may contact the Home Office or UK Border Agency (as relevant) to clarify any information regarding your leave to enter or remain in the UK in connection with your Care.

Part G – Other terms and conditions: All Patients

(This section applies to all patients)

20. Your contract with The Gynae Centre: By signing the Registration Form you agree to be bound by these Terms. If there is any conflict between these Terms and the Treatment Letter or Registration Form, these Terms will take precedence. If there is any inconsistency between the Contract and any marketing material, the Contract will take precedence. The Gynae Centre may update these Terms from time to time, however any changes will apply only to new treatment or a new Treatment Package that you receive. You will be asked to agree to any new Terms before they become effective for you. Note that any new Terms will not apply to any Treatment Package which is part-way through when the Terms are changed.

21. The Gynae Centre standard rates: Unless the Terms or your Treatment Letter (if applicable) provide otherwise, The Gynae Centre Standard Rates will apply to your Care. If you want to check the cost of your care or treatment, please ask. You can check the Gynae Centre standard rates at www.gynae-centre.co.uk/fees, by phoning The Gynae Centre or by asking for a copy when you are at the Clinic.

22. Notices and your contact details: It is important that you keep us updated of any changes in your contact details.

23. Your property: Clinics can be busy environments. Whilst we will take all Care to ensure the safety of your belongings, The Gynae Centre does not accept any responsibility for the theft or loss of, or damage to, any of your or your visitors’ property.

24. Children: Where a person signs a Registration Form as a parent or guardian on behalf of a child under the age of 18 who is under their Care, they agree that they will be bound by these Terms, even if that child breaches, or is not bound by, any part of these Terms.

Under these circumstances, the references in these Terms to “you” and “your” shall include, as well as the child, the parent or guardian of such child in so far as such references relate to any obligation to pay for any Care provided by The Gynae Centre to that child.

25. Changes in Applicable Law: You acknowledge and accept that Applicable Law may change and prevent The Gynae Centre from providing certain Care. If The Gynae Centre becomes aware that such a change has occurred, and the change has an effect on your CareThe Gynae Centre will contact you to inform you of this and its consequences.

26. Third party rights: Except for you or The Gynae Centre, no person will have any rights under or in connection with these Terms.

27. Law and the Courts: These Terms are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with English law and the courts of England and Wales shall have non-exclusive jurisdiction.


“Applicable Law”: any and all laws, regulations, guidelines and professional obligations applicable to the provision of Care or the performance of services for you, including the requirements as regards treatment, procurement, research and storage of reproductive material;

Care”: care, treatment, diagnosis, services (including sundry items) and goods provided by us;

“Consultants”: all consultants, surgeons, anaesthetists and self- employed GPs involved in your Care;

Contract”: these Terms, along with the Registration Form and, if applicable, your Treatment Letter;

Fixed Price”: how much you will pay for your Treatment Package, as set out in your Treatment Letter;

Clinic”: The Gynae Centre clinic;

Private Patients”: all patients that are not

NHS patients and includes patients who are paying for their own treatment, whether by way of a Treatment Package or otherwise;

The Gynae Centre “we” or “us”: The Gynae Centre where the Clinic in which you receive your Care is operated by The Gynae Centre Limited;

Terms”: these terms and conditions;

Treatment Letter”: the letter that we send to you (if applicable) regarding your Treatment Package or Care;

Treatment Package”: the treatment or procedures that will be carried out at the Clinic as set out in your Treatment Letter and for which you have agreed to pay a Fixed Price.


Complaints can be made in writing to The manager and sent to: ask@gynae-centre.co.uk

You will receive acknowledgement of your complaints within 48 hours of its receipt and a detailed reply within 21 days. The Gynae Centre manager will investigate your complaint. If medically related, we may require you to attend a further consultation with a different consultant gynaecologist. If you are not satisfied with the outcome, the Medical Director will review your case and will write to you in due course. The receptionist or booking team are not able to provide you with any medical advice. They will forward any questions to our doctors or nurses. Please note that confidentiality laws mean that we are not able to respond to complaints on social media or Google reviews in detail.