Can't wait to discover the sex of your baby?
We can reveal the gender of your baby as early as 12 weeks into your pregnancy (other clinics offer 16 weeks) with 99% accuracy. How do we do this? Our consultants are some of the finest in the UK, which really sets us apart. In fact, we are so confident that we even offer a money back guarantee!
Gender scans at 12 weeks
Money back guarantee
Same day appointments
Experienced consultants

How do you tell if a baby is a boy or girl from scan?
The baby’s sex is determined at conception by the father’s Y chromosome. The external genitals are neutral. Under the effect of the hormone testosterone, the large labias become the scrotum and the clitoris enlarges to become the penis. This does not occur until 8 weeks of pregnancy. Before 10 weeks of pregnancy, the genitalia look exactly the same, over 10 weeks the scrotum and penis become recognisable but remains small.
Your consultant will use their experience and skills to determine which genitalia your baby has from the gender scan.
Want to find out more? You may like to read How soon can I have a baby gender scan? and What can a pregnancy scan tell you about your baby?